career coaching

Over the last two months, I've been teaching this hack to my job-seeking clients as a way for them to blow away recruiters and hiring managers right before ...

A client in my masterclass this week told me that when she was in an interview, she got asked these two questions: "What do you think would be the reason ...

In cold weather climates, the beginning of spring is a time to clean the house and get organized—a practice known as spring cleaning. Through the years, ...

In this article, I'm going to tell you how to make a great first impression when you get asked the question, "What do you do?" I've been teaching you the ...

You want a job that's one or two levels higher than your current job. How do you apply? Well, definitely not through an ATS.Applicant tracking systems (ATS) ...

Do you know what evidence-based hiring is? Well, it's going to directly impact how you get a job in the future. If you want to understand evidence-based ...

In 2008, I read Bloomberg Businessweek's article entitled “Management by the Numbers” in which they review how IBM has been building mathematical models of ...

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article that talks about the fact that people can expect harsher performance reviews going forward, and I have ...

You found a job opening you were a great fit for. You crafted your resume, wrote a polished cover letter, and submitted your job application with high ...

If you want to make a great, positive, lasting impression in a job interview, there is one question you should ask the hiring manager. It's also a bit of a ...

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